Monday 16 October 2017

SEO 2017: 8 Crucial Rules for dominating google’s search results.

In this article by R.L. Adams, a software engineer, serial entrepreneur and author of the popular blog called Wanderlustworker, he discusses the 8 crucial rules to make your posts and your content popular in search engines, specifically Google.  As we already know, there are tons of rules and recommendations of how to be popular or how to rank high in the Search engines but these insights come from a person that not only know the theory but also practice it, so this article must be valuable for people looking to apply them. What is also really important is not that you have the right tactics or rules but that these rules are recent and that you can still apply them as time goes by, this is why this 2017 guide for dominating Google’s search results may result pretty relevant nowadays.

Let’s start reminding you that Google’s algorithms offer the most relevant and most organic search results quickly and accurately. Google’s algorithms are constantly changing and updating, this is why it is really important for you to be prepared and keep track of all these changes so you can become a master in SEO. The author explains us how some people understood the power of ranking and the way this algorithm worked and started coming up with several ways to “fool” them “by building massive link farms and content farm, spinning low quality articles and auto generating links in an effort to outgun other listings and secure the top spots on Google” according to the author. Google has reacted by updating and launching new and enhanced algorithms such as Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird to booth weed out the spoofs and scammers, but also to improve semantic search, which now resulted in a pretty good tool for humans given that these algorithms practically mimic how humans would read content, and interpret the semantic of the texts for Google to give you quality and relevant content.

R.L. Adams throughout this entire article explains us that Search engines is a matter of getting the greatest initial return for a GREAT amount of effort, it is not an “easy peasy” job he says that it is a slow and painful process, this is why he shares these 8 rules with us.  In order to be ranked on the top, there’s basically one thing you must master at performing and this is to get Google’s trust in order to do that you must do as follows:

#1 Indexed Age: A completely new article in the web is going to be less trustworthy than one that has been there for more time. Age relies on when Google discovered the domain and not when it was created.

#2 Authority Profile: this means quality links coming from quality content across the web, reliable sources and sources that already have authority and also diversity, not all links coming from the same source.

#3 Underlying content: Make sure you double check that your article is well written, keyword centered and highly engaging otherwise it might be harmful.

But let’s get going to what really matters, the reason why we are all here for, which is the rules to dominate SEO:

Rule 1: Always work to gain Google’s trust. (Already discussed how)
Rule 2: Age always comes before beauty. Google looks for link consistency over time besides how good your site looks like. Age is measured by its content and the links that are pointing to it and it takes consistency into account, you can not work one month and then abandon your site two months.
Rule 3: Quality will trump quantity every single time. Focus on doing the right thing once rather than several times so Google’s algorithm can consider your content as quality.
Rule 4: Content will always be king. Great content is shared often, make sure that your content can deliver real value to the readers.
Rule 5: Regardless of what you have heard, size really does matter. It is more plausible that you deliver value if the article or the content is long enough so you can elaborate your ideas. A study showed that the articles that were on the top rankings were over 2,000 words but they are not superfluous, size matter but also quality.
Rule 6: Keywords, keywords, keywords but don’t over do it. Make sure you include in the content the keywords that you would like to relate your article to, but just don’t over do it. Google’s algorithms prevent to top rank spam pages. There’s good news about Google’s algorithms, it is that they can now identify semantics, so you don’t have to be repeating and repeating the same exact word.
Rule 7: Step up your mobile game: Today if you don’t make sure that your content can be seen through a mobile phone or your page takes too long to charge in mobile phones, your are dead.
Rule 8: Location, location, location (Of your link of course). In order for you to top rank  one of your main tasks is that you have to be linked from high quality, relevant site and not garbage.

These are the 8 rules that have given the author the opportunity to succeed in SEO with his blog. He ends his article preventing readers from thinking that this would be an easy job, it is going to be really difficult but whenever you seed limitless amounts of free organic traffic coming to your site, everything is worth it.

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