Monday 31 October 2016

Newly Launched Google Click-to-text Ad Extension

             One event worthy to note this month in the World of Digital Marketing is the Google Adwords launch of Click-to-text ad extensions. At this point, I am sure we are all familiar with the Click-to-call ad extension that has existed for years. So, why not bring out the option of texting? For the “call-phobic” generation we are today.

Search Engine Land published this article earlier this month, in anticipation of the launch of Google Adwords Click-to-text extension:

Adwords also published a blog post on GoogleBlog before the launch of extension, linking within the post to a Best Practices Guide: 

Drive Conversations with Message Extensions: Google Best Practices.

            So how does Click-to-text extension work exactly? As we can see in the example taken from Google above; essentially, it’s another extension underneath the ad with a choice of call to action. Once the user clicks into the extension, their SMS application launches in their smart device. The advertiser can even incorporate a prewritten message tailored to their product or service, then the user has the option to edit the text before sending it.
            It seems about time for a search engine to incorporate this type of extension, as it is obvious that many people value the option to continue the conversation at their convenience; just look at the prevalence of live chatting now offered by many retail sites. Not to mention “Nearly two thirds of smartphone owners use messaging more than five times a day to communicate with others. And people aren’t limiting their use of messaging to social communications - 65% of consumers say they’d consider using messaging to connect with a business to get information about a product or service, or to schedule an in-person appointment.” Quoted by Google on their blog. Also quoted in the blog are some positive feedback from advertisers already using the extension, the TravelPass Group claimed that “The conversion rate on message extensions is 41% higher compared to other ad extensions.”

Now with enough evidence that introducing the new Click-to-text ad extension was indeed a step forward taken by Google Adwords, let’s get to the nuts and bolts of the operation. The message extension will be charged the same way as any other clicks on the ad, the advertiser is able to publish the extension with campaign and ad groups, as wells as scheduling the appearance of the extension during certain periods of the day. The timing of this particular extension is important because during after business hours, it is recommended to set up an automated response to incoming messages. To optimize the usage of the Click-to-text ad extension, there are four overall guidelines: Create clear and relevant message extensions, set up a great conversation over text, measure the value of the messages you receive, and boost the performance of your messaging extensions. These guidelines can be found in greater detail on the Google Adwords support website.

Rose Yin, Yauheni B. 



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