Monday 31 October 2016


What is this new tool companies are using to optimize customer relationship and complement their e-commerce strategy?

RTM, which stands for Real Time Marketing, is a new concept of marketing based on customer’s behaviour and actions on their website in order to provide better services and push more pertinent advertisement in real time. Clearly, it consist in using all the data regarding the actions of the customers of the website, to immediately send triggered emails, to entertain a discussion through social medias, to promote live events and even propose location based deals according to the customer’s location.

By undertaking these different activities in real time, companies have different goals:

When successfully done, RTM can make people interact with your company of social media, by liking, sharing or retweeting: so by focusing on technology and improving the customer relationship and engagement, you then can collect huge amount of data about customer behaviour to push him the right product/service, at the right time and at the good price.

“RTM enables companies to a 16% lift in customer sentiment, a increase of 14% in purchase intent and 18% in interest (…) LeadSift’s data reveals that consumers are 22% more likely to consider a brand as a result of real-time marketing.”

With all these benefits listed, why not all brand and company are developing an efficient real-time marketing strategy?

Today, many companies are limited in the use of real-time marketing, for those main reasons: Limited budget and resources, staff can’t respond quickly enough, lack of search analytics tools, lack of real-time data and knowledge.

Real-time marketing is very efficient tool, with impressive results, when of course it can be afforded. For the moment only prestigious brands and important companies are able to develop a profitable RTM strategy.

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