Thursday 22 December 2016

Facebook’s ad block test

Christmas is almost here!! And we know exactly what you did those 2 last weeks: you spent a great part of your time in the Internet looking for the perfect gift for your relatives, comparing prices on dozen of websites, reading comments about products… It takes time, a lot of time! Now Christmas is in few days and you cannot take the risk to order online anymore because it will probably never arrive on time. So, you will shop from online to offline.  Congratulations, you finally bought everything you wanted!

But, have you noticed yet? The red dress that you bought for your sister is on every web page you go through! One big advise: do not let anyone touch your computer before Christmas because just by opening a webpage they will see all the ads about gift you plan to offer! Surprise!!!!

One of the leader website for the use of retargeting ads is Facebook! When you go on Facebook you see ads everywhere. At least, most of the time on Facebook they are related to things you like. Facebook shows you ads in which you might be interested in.  But it is not the case on every website and more and more people are upset about ads. According to an Ipsos study, the use of ad blocker is increasing. In France, 1 out of 3 Internet user is using an ad blocker. The three main reasons are that ads are too repetitive, non-contextualized and that people fear about their personal data and being tracked.

The use of ad blockers raised a lot of debates this year. Indeed, a lot of social network have a business model based on ads. So, if everybody uses ad blocker those website can’t be “free” anymore.  Actually, Facebook has a new weapon to fight ad blockers and it decided to the fight fire with fire. Indeed, Facebook is currently fighting against Adblock Plus by running a new experiment that allows people to turn off select ads that they judge upsetting. It allows Facebook users to customize their ad preferences in regard to their broader interests (as identified by the social network).

Sources :

Marine Esposito
Julia Ibrahim Ouali

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