Tuesday 20 December 2016

Up and Coming for Search Marketing in 2017

To summarize the end of this year in the search marketing industry, and to shed some light on what’s in store for SEM in the coming year; this article from the Search Engine Journal does a comprehensive overview.

As the search marketing industry is tech based, there is no doubt that there will be no shortage of updates and alterations in 2017. Before we ring in the new year, let’s take a look at what happened throughout 2016.

Launch of AMP for websites in February
Removal of sidebar ads in SERPs
Cross-device remarketing
Micro-moments to connect with buyers at exactly the right time
Session Quality Score Data

Now, moving on to what’s to come. One major tread will be Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) will go into even further development and become critical to search. AMP are delivered from Google hosted cache in the cloud, and it loads up to 30 times faster than non-AMP pages. Google’s Gary Illyes states that “there is a very strong push for AMP everywhere. And you can expect more launches around that.” In reflecting just so, Google announced in rennet month that AMP signals are ranking over a deep linked page within an app for the same thing.

Next, we have the AL learning & Google RankBrain. It has been the trend for companies to focus more and more on machine learning, but Google claims that it will not take over the core algorithm. Machine learning helps search become smarter, learning the user’s intent lead to delivering the best results. Google’s RankBrain is the third most important ranking factor, it is a technology that will advance into the future. And as the technologies advance, different approaches surface. Google Assistant and Allo, which is the new Google messaging app is described as “an evolution of Google search. It’s a superset in some senses. If you said to Google search, ‘Get me a pizza,’ nothing happens. Our aspiration is that the assistant will go and get you a pizza. We don’t today, but that’s our aspiration.” By John Giannandrea, Google’s VP of search.

Also, as predicted, voice search will be advancing as well in 2017. As search engines are getting smarter, the way we interact with it can get smarter too. Speaking is easier than typing, especially so when we need to be hands-free. Google is currently focusing on voice search and natural language processing.

By: Rose Yin, Yauheni B. 

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