Saturday 10 December 2016

The data opportunity for retailers this Christmas
As every year, Christmas is now around the corner. For the retailers, this implies a lot, as this period represents a peak of consumption, highest than any other peak during the year. Indeed, they have to deal not only with a high pressure time but also with a growing customer’s expectation, that keeps rising over the time. For instance, 80% of surveyed people answered that they were confident about finding what they needed for Christmas in Grocery stores. This optimism and this high expectation are even more important for retailers given that managing to fill customer’s need and providing a high quality user experience at this period of time will bring fidelity, loyalty, and confidence.
Based on that, what can retailers do, in order to guarantee this exceptional experience at this exceptional time?
Why is visual analytics a big deal?
Key of success for retailers seems to rely on anticipation. Indeed, anticipating allows companies to have a step of advance compared to the demand, and so to avoid lack of stocks, that is to say an uncomplete and unsatisfactory service. To succeed in anticipating, data and visual analytics across the business are essential. Why? First, because data enables retailers to have an overview of their business, which fasten the process of insight spotting. Employees can do it faster, and consequently, the intern communication between departments is also quicker, which finally allows the company to take measures and to act in a shorter period of time. Then, because both data and visual analytics allow the retailers to determine supply and demand trends and to adapt their stock while responding faster to potential issue.
How to use visual analytics?
The main use of visual analytics is to deliver the best Christmas experience to customers, especially when it is a peak time like Christmas.
For instance, visual analytics and data allow a retail company to determine that there is an increasing demand for a given product. As a consequence, popular brands that sell this type of product will be asked for more product to provide before the retail company runs out of stock. This improves the user experience, that does not meet unexpected issue such as shortage. One of the best examples that illustrates the importance of visual analytics and data is Majestic Wine Retailers: With Christmas, people buy more spirits and wine, and visual analytics and data allow to respond quickly and so to deliver the best Christmas experience to customers.
Last but not least, we can also claim that visual analytics should be used at peak times, such as Christmas, because a short but intense period allow retailers to grab large amount of customers, and providing high quality user experience will make them loyal to the brand on the long run. Visual analytics plays an important role in that high quality experience, not only because of insight spotting, but also because it make the collaboration across store easier.

Written by Benjamin Ricard and Marie Deleval 

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