Thursday 26 October 2017

AI in marketing: Selling through robots

Artificial intelligence has seemingly taken over the world. No, this isn’t the script for Terminator 6 (Yes, there are 5 of these)”. The funny fact about this sentence from an article (click on link) written by a Medium’s journalist is that most of people think AI is something to come in the following years. However, the AI concept has been created for decades and we are surrounded by AI applications. For instance, internet ads targeting using cookies is based on AI-coding techniques.
Among the first applications, people was not able to notify if AI was behind it. Whereas, now AI is well developed and more the time flies more we start to feel it. Think about your suggested videos on Youtube, suggested songs on Spotify or suggested movies on Netflix. The reason behind this awareness comes from the huge improvements AI is going through.

It reaches such a point that the start of Sales Robots has come. Medium’s article gives us few examples. Let’s start by Amazon’s Sales Robot, Alexa. The online retailer company which has a bigger turnover than the legendary Walmart is integrating its AI-chatbot in our everyday life, at home, in our cars and so on and forth. Imagine you have a salesman as your pet dog, each time you think about buying a needed good, just ask for it, and done, deal!
Sales assistance goes through differents aspects as availability as Alexa is really good at, but also as advisory. The article mentions the new partnership between North Face and IBM Watson. First, you have to understand Waston is the massive AI project launch by IBM introduced 7 years ago. To grab some tips and being well advised on the right product, you don’t have to go to a material shop and be in contact with a blood, bones and skin salesman anymore. Just stay in your bed, go on the North Face’s website, explicit your needs through a quick questionnaire and it will give you back a product selection which will match with your needs.
AI is not only disrupting marketing, it applies to everything. People tends to always be behind the current innovations involved, especially,  by AI. This explains why I decided to share you my thoughts on this article. By the way, if you want further information I’m currently working on a thesis driven by the following question: How to reshape your business using an AI-based Business Model ?

I’d would like to finish on this following note; People often get scared when they realize how AI is and will disrupt our society, especially regarding job employment. Indeed, if you take a step back you will notice more or less 50% of the current jobs will be replaced by robots. Instead of closing our eyes, why don’t we try to weave on it?

Octave Labbe

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