Tuesday 28 November 2017

Digital Marketing Trends

Digital Marketing TrendsBy Ivan Kolyabin

      With the onset of 2018 just around the corner, it is important to understand which digital marketing trends will carry us into the new year. As Justin Wilson laid out in his article on the B2C website, we will consider five of the most prominent ones and consider our own interpretations of these trends.
       Now more than ever, the need for a personalized experience is key for proper targeting and retention. How this will take shape in the future is beyond me. But I am confident that most advertisers know more about me than many of my friends, considering Target knew that a sixteen year old teenage girl was pregnant before even her father did, simply by calculating her spending patterns. And something tells me this isn't the last time we'll be hearing about such stories. But at the very least she got some coupons that were very personalized in her mailbox, and I am quite confident this will strategy even more easily transfers into the digital marketing realm.
       As I mentioned in my last article addressing the future of digital marketing, video content certainly is not dying down. Additionally, I would posit that creativity is increasingly essential seeing as how the competition for attention is ever rising. On that note, it is useful to point out that the hierarchy of content ranks live streaming first, other video content second, and non-video content last.
      Whereas robots seemed to be a sci-fi fantasy in the past, they are rather rapidly becoming a reality that we've already incorporated into our lives. Yet again, the ever decreasing attention span of the average modern day user requires a faster and in many cases instant response, particularly in the realm of service. For this reason, we've seen the rise of chatbots, particularly through facebook messenger, lure people into making more rapid decisions and purchases. The more prominent they become, surely the more complex the services they will be able to provide, as marketers and programmers focus more of their attention on integrating this technology as one of their more prominent sales and service means.
      The amount of our personal information that social networks maintain is mind-blowing. Just think about your own lifetime spent on Facebook. How many times have you been required to connect an app to Facebook? How many times have you subconsciously clicked on a catchy article, not to realize that it was an advertisement dressed in gold? Although all of your information is protected by the network, there is much discussion about it potentially or even secretly being given to advertisers. I personally don't think this is happening or will ever happen because it would lose the trust of hundreds of millions of users, but if you think otherwise please give us your opinion in the comments.
        And last but not least, the world wide web as we know it, started with search engines and quickly became so much more. This is however not a reason to abandon the beloved searching tools but rather to enhance and delve deeper into them in order to generate more traffic. In fact, it is safe to say that searching has already taken the right step in the future by introducing voice search. This will actually help to increase the user experience, making it feel more personalized. We believe the advent of AI is certainly responsible for this onset. But the good news is that the easier searching becomes, the more likely people will be to firstly search things (and I mean basically anything) and secondly to purchase things.
        All in all, these five points may be something that subconsciously sits in our head already, but it is important for us to pay particular attention to each one as they take prominence this upcoming year. If we had to give our conclusive thoughts on all that we have discussed, I would say that the most important thing would be to create quality content whilst providing as many personalized experiences as possible. Failure to follow these trends may mean a failure to conform to the competition set forth in much of today's (dystopias and fast moving) culture.

What think ye?


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