Thursday 30 November 2017

Google AdWords is Google’s advertising service created in 2000 in the United States. It displays advertisements on Google or Display that are based on keywords through cookies or on its navigation. It appeared on Quora, a platform to create, edit and organize question and answers that permits to users to collaborate.

Justin Rezvani: “For the past decade, digital advertising has been on an exponential growth curve”

Brands spent a lot more for their advertising on Facebook ads and Google Adwords because it is the place to catch people. However, in 2017 companies are loosing money because of advertising fraud and clicks from robots instead of humans.

Studies showed that a part of digital advertising is ineffective, therefore brands are spending more on experiential events, live social media campaigns, and influencer marketing.

First, one the reasons why advertising is changing is the increasing usage of ad blockers. Companies want to interact with the customer directly: Bryan Icenhower said “experiential is a uniquely fast and effective way to build brand awareness through one-to-one connections with consumers. It engages all five senses, sparking emotions that form lasting memories which have been shown to drive brand loyalty.”

Customers want to interact with the influencers in real life. They are more likely to join an event to meet someone they follow than to pay attention to an ad that will aim at the same result: convey to consume.

Moreover, internet users watch a lot a video and especially on Facebook. Influencers are key players once again because customers want to watch videos with people they are following inside. They are confident is their advices, and it’s worth for brands to do partnership with influencers. Snapchat stories also provide customers with a real life experience and there is a real value added for brands to work with influencers. It is a matter of time before Live experiences take over conventional digital ads.

Finally, influencer marketing isn’t slowing down soon. Because they are humans, they bring a level of confidence and credibility that no ad could buy. Influencers appeared only some years ago, but as any marketing campaign data are important to take good decisions. Therefore, TheAmplify created Reach, a software that determines which influencer is the right one for which campaign.

Lucie Bornier & Henri Vesalainen 

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